Social Services for the Handicapped in Memphis, TN

6 businesses found

Deaf Connect of the Mid-South

144 North Bellevue Boulevard , 38104
Phone: (901) 278-9307

Memphis Center For Independent

1633 Madison Avenue , 38104
Phone: (901) 726-6404

Special Olympics

1355 Lynnfield Road # 273 , 38119
Phone: (901) 683-1271

Joshua Incorporated

3129 Chandler St , 38127
Phone: (901) 562-3268

Citadel Outreach Ministries Incorporated

3700 Stage James Road , 38128
Phone: (312) 353-5395

St Johns Community Service

7891 Stage Hills Boulevard # 116 , 38133
Phone: (901) 384-3645