Lazy Days Lawn Care L L C Wilmington, NC

Lazy Days Lawn Care L L C is categorized under Lawn Maintenance in Wilmington, North Carolina .

Business Name: Lazy Days Lawn Care L L C
Contact Person: Matt Holland
Address: 225 Friday Drive, Wilmington, NC 28411
Phone Number: (919) 770-1554

Lazy Days Lawn Care L L C has been offering Lawn Maintenance from its single location in North Carolina since their foundation in 2010. This company is registered under the SIC code and NAICS code , which can be used to gain more understanding on the nature of its business.

It now employs 1 to 4 personnel and its BOTH services by Lawn Maintenance in the greater North Carolina area contribute to the company’s annual revenue of $50.000 to $99.999. Visit the single location of Lazy Days Lawn Care L L C at the coordinates 34.27318,-77.78058, or at their street address of 225 Friday Drive in NC 28411, United States.

To speak to a representative, call (919) 770-1554 and address inquiries to Matt Holland. Alternatively, this business can also be followed and interacted with through the social media platforms Twitter and Facebook . Lazy Days Lawn Care L L C’s website can be found at .

Annual Revenue ($): $50.000 to $99.999
Location Type: Single Location
Employee #: 1 to 4
Business Type: B2B & B2C
Categorized In: Lawn Maintenance
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