Bob Dykes Lawn Care Milton, FL

Bob Dykes Lawn Care is categorized under Lawn Maintenance in Milton, Florida .

Business Name: Bob Dykes Lawn Care
Address: 6284 Buckskin Drive, Milton, FL 32570
Phone Number: No number given

Bob Dykes Lawn Care has been offering Lawn Maintenance from its single location in Florida since their foundation in 2000. This company is registered under the SIC code 0782 and NAICS code 561730, which can be used to gain more understanding on the nature of its business.

It now employs 1 to 4 personnel and its BOTH services by Lawn Maintenance in the greater Florida area contribute to the company’s annual revenue of $0 to $49.999. Visit the single location of Bob Dykes Lawn Care at the coordinates , or at their street address of 6284 Buckskin Drive in FL 32570, United States.

To speak to a representative, call No number given and address inquiries to . Alternatively, this business can also be followed and interacted with through the social media platforms Twitter and Facebook . Bob Dykes Lawn Care’s website can be found at .

Annual Revenue ($): $0 to $49.999
Location Type: Single Location
Employee #: 1 to 4
Business Type: B2B & B2C
Categorized In: Lawn Maintenance
SIC Code: 0782
NAICS Code: 561730
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